Literature & References
Implant System
Record #
Author(s) and Publication
July/Aug 2020
Anew, Atlas
Froum, Stuart J; Natour, Mazen; Cho, Sang-Choon; Yu, Paul Y. C.; Leung, Martin
“Expanded Clinical Applications of Narrow-Diameter Implants for Permanent Use”, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, July/Aug. 2020 Volume 40 Issue 40, pages 529-537
Oct 2017
Koppelman, Adam
“Narrow-diameter implants: Making impossibilities realities”, Dental Economics, Volume 107 Number 10 Oct 2017, pgs. 70-72
Sept/Oct 2017
Stuart, Shi, Ye; Fisselier, Francois; Cho, Sang-Choon
“Long-Term Retrospective Evaluation of Success of Narrow-Diameter Implants in Esthetic Areas: A Consecutive Case Series with 3 to 14 Years Follow-up”, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Volume 37 Number 5 Sept/Oct 2017, pgs. 629-637
June 2017
Greene, Tera
“Why I Use… Dentatus Anew”, Dental Product Shopper, Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2017, pg. 104
Nov. 1 2016
Soolari, Ahmad; Soolari, Amin
“Management of a Nontreatable Mandibular Anterior Tooth”, Dentistry Today, Nov. 1 2016
July/August 2016
Rosen, Paul S; Bahat, Oded; Froum, Stuart J; Daftary, Fereidoun; Rosenthal, Howard; Feldman, Sylvan
“Use of a Resin-Bonded Bridge to Replace a Congentially Missing Lateral Incisor: Treatment of “Intrusion” of Teeth”, Compendium, Volume 37, Number 7, July/August 2016, pgs. 482-487
July 2016
Rosenfeld, Jason; Herin, Marta; Alex, Runa; Delgado-Ruiz, Rafael; Romanos, Georgios E.
“Stability of Narrow Diameter Implants in Dense Bone. An In-Vitro Study”, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, NY, Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, San Diego, CA
May 2016
Froum, Stuart J.; Cho, Sang-Choon; Florio, Salvatore; Misch, Craig
“Stability of Narrow Diameter Implants Placed with Different Angulations In-Vitro”, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, NY, Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, San Diego, CA
February 2016
Rosenfeld, Jason; Herin, Marta; Runa, Alex; Delgado-Ruiz, Rafael; Romanos, Georgios E.
“Stability of Narrow Diameter Implants in Dense Bone. An In-Vitro Study”, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, NY, Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, San Diego, CA
February 2016
Rosenfeld, Jason; Herin, Marta; Runa, Alex; Delgado-Ruiz, Rafael; Romanos, Georgios E.
“Use of a Resin-Bonded Bridge to Replace a Congentially Missing Lateral Incisor: Treatment of “Intrusion” of Teeth”, Compendium, Volume 37, Number 7, July/August 2016, pgs. 486-487
August 2015
Freedman George
“First Impressions – ANEW Narrow Body Implants”, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Volume 30 Number 2 2015, pgs. 403-410
March/April 2015
Gallucci, German O.; Finelle, Gary; Papadimitriou, Dimitrios E. V.; Lee, Sang J.
“Innovative Approach to Computer-Guided Surgery & Fixed Provisionalization Assisted by Screw-Retained Transitional Implants”, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Volume 30 Number 2, March/April 2015, pgs. 403-410
September 2014
Petrungaro, Paul S.
“Management of Compromised Intertooth Spaces Using Small-Diameter Implants”, Inside Dentistry, September 2014, September 2014, Volume 10, Issue 9
June 2014
Ewoldsen, Nels
“Long-Term Stabilization and Retention of Mandibular Dentures”, Inside Dentistry, June 2014, pg. 94
March 2013
Bidra, Avinash S.; Almas, Khalid
“Mini Implants for Definitive Prosthodontic Treatment: A Systematic Review”, The Journal of Prosthodontic Dentistry, Volume 109 Issue 3 March 2013, pgs. 156-164
March 2013
Tomasi, C.; Idmyr, B.-O.; Wennstrom, J.L.
“Patient satisfaction with mini-implant stabilised full dentures. A 1-year prospective study”, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
December 2012
Wang, Hom-Lay; Okayasu, Kozue; Fu, Jia-Hui; Hamerink, Howard A.; Layher, Mary G.; Rudek, Ivan Elmar
“The Success Rate of Narrow Body Implants Used for Supporting Immediate Provisional Restorations: A Pilot Feasability Study”, Implant Dentistry, Volume 21 Number 6 December 2012, pgs. 467-473
August 2012
Froum, Scott
“Implant Bridge Restoration”, Dental Product Shopper, August 2012, pgs. 20A-23A
March 2012
Kang Hyung, Wak; Zangrandi, Diego; Hong, Wei-Tse; Gutierrez, Lourdes; Yoon, Yeo-Eun; Kye, Wayne; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Bloom, Mitchell
“The Use of Computerized Tomographic Scans to Guide Implant Placement Lateral to the Inferior Alveolar Canal”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointergration, Phoenix, AZ
March 2012
Oleaga, Mikel; Elzer, Ashraf; Yu, Chia-Hua; Yip, Julie; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Bloom, Mitchell
“Utilizing Anew Narrow Diameter Implants as a Tent Pole for Vertical Ridge Augmentation – Case Studies”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, Phoenix, AZ
March 2012
Fisselier, Francois; Munoz, Carlos; Garcias, Cristina; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart
“Long-Term Evaluation of Success of Anew Narrow Diameter Implants in Esthetic Areas – A Case Report”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, Phoenix, AZ
February 2012
Dentatus USA, Ltd.
“Change your patients’ lives with denture comfort”, implants, Vol. 2 Feb. 2012, pgs. 44 & 46
January 2012
Anew, Atlas
Sohrabi, K.; Mushantat, A.; Esfandiari, S.; Feine, J.
“How successful are small-diameter implants? A literature review.”, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Res. 00, 2012, pgs. 1–11
January 2012
Dentatus USA, Ltd.
“Anew Implants provide more patients with gold-standard treatment options”, implants, Vol. 2 Jan. 2012, pgs. 44 & 46
September 2011
Lerici, Sebastien; Dupuis, Véronique
“Apport des Mini Implants en Prothèse Amovible Complète”, L’Information Dentaire, No. 32, 28 Sept. 2011, pages 109-113
September 2011
D’Orazio, Robert M.; Iacobelli, Mark A.
“Replacing congenitally missing lateral incisors”, Implant Tribune, Vol. 6 No. 9 Sept. 2011, pgs. 1, 7-8
September 2011
Anew, Atlas
Products Report – DMX’s Narrow-Body Implants Provide Affordable Solutions”, Compendium, Vol. 32 No. 7 Sept. 2011, pages 80-81
March 2011
Suwa, T.; Bandar, A.; Khouly, I.; Kamer, A.; Cho, S-C; Froum, S.
“The Use of a Thin Bodied Diameter Implant as a Tent Pole for Vertical Ridge Augmentation: A Case Report” Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, Washington DC 2011
March 2011
Suwa, T.; Cho, S-C; Kupferman, S.; Bloom, M.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.
“Implant Survival Rate of Thin Bodied Implants Immediately Loaded in Fully Edentulous Mandibles” Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration, Washington DC 2011
Kiernicka, Malgorzata; Lobodziñski, Ryszard; Kiernicki, Krzysztof
“Skuteczne przywrócenie funkcji zucia przy zastosowaniu nowej, ekonomicznej metody leczenia bezzebia systemem Komfortowa Proteza”, Dwumiesiecznik Stomatologa Praktyka Polish & English Journal for Dentists, No. 2 (30), 2011, pgs. 20-31
Alaburda, Bob
“Product Spotlight – The Straight and Narrow”, Dental Product Shopper, page 44
Sellmann, Hans H.
“Einfach Implantieren – Implantieren (und die Prothetik) Einfach”, Zahnmedizin
November 2010
Suslick, Janet; Bagewitz, Ingrid Collin
“Täckproteser borde användas oftare”, Tandläkartidningen, Vol. 102 No. 12 2010, pages 50-51
September 2010
Lauverjat, Yves; Colomb, Rémi
“Mise en charge immédiate avec les implants de faible diamètre Atlas Dentatus”, Le Fil Dentaire, Sep. 2010, pages 20-22
July 2010
Khoury, Georges
“Reconstitution maxillaire par blocs osseux allogéniques et implants transitoires”, Le Fil Dentaire, Jul. 2010, pages 36-39
MAY 2010
LaBarre, Eugene
“Small Diameter Implant in Prosthetic Dentistry”, Dental Tribune, Vol.5 No. 13 May 2010, pages 1 & 24
March 2010
Sellmann, Hans H.
“Einfach Implantieren – Implantieren (und die Prothetik) Einfach”, Zahnmedizin, pages 54-58
March 2010
Silvestre, Pedro; Aliaga, Ignacio; Janson, Reinaldo; Takuya, Kansuka; Grasso, Giuseppe; Samaniego, Daniel; Kupferman, Sandra; Bloom, Mitchell; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Elian, Nicolas; Tarnow, Dennis
“Implant Survival Rate of Thin Bodied Implants Immediately Loaded in Fully Edentulous Mandibles”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 25th Anniversary Meeting, Orlando, FL 2010
September 2009
Dhingra, Ajay; Baradarian, Navid; Drew, Howard; Weiner, Saul
“Use of a Narrow-Diameter Implant in the Anterior Mandible: A Case Report”, Inside Dentistry, Sep. 2009 pages 96 & 98
June 2009
Christensen, Gordon J.
“The increased use of small-diameter implants”, The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol. 140 Jun. 2009
April 2009
Malcmacher, Louis
“Reorganize your practice”, Dental Tribune, Apr. 2009 page 7
February 2009
Santos, Francisco; Kim, Mean Ji; Yamanaka, Takuto; Jalbout, Ziad; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Elian, Nicolas; Tarnow, Dennis
“The Expanded Use of Narrow Diameter Implants”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 24th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA 2009
January, February 2009
Anew, Atlas
Bücking, Wolfram
“Sofortversorgung des zahnlosen Unterkiefers – die soziale Indikation (I)”, Quintessenz, Volume 60 (1), Jan. Feb. 2009 pages 71-78
September 2008
Christensen, Gordon J.
“Ask Dr. Christensen”, Dental Economics, Sep. 2008, pages 84-88
August 2008
Malcmacher, Louis
“Atlas Denture Comfort Implants from Dentatus USA, Ltd.”, Dentaltown, Volume 9, Issue 8, Aug. 2008 page 78
July 2008
Shah, Paresh
“Small Diameter Dental Implants for Retention of Mandibular Overdentures – A Clinical Case Report”, Oral Health, Volume 98, Number 7, Jul. 2008 pages 24-28
June 2008
Okamoto-Weissman, Nita
“Engaging the Overdenture Patient Starts in the Front Office”, Inside Dentistry, Volume 4, Number 6, Jun. 2008 page 28
April 2008
LaBarre, Eugene; Ahlstrom, Robert H.; Noble, Warden H. “Narrow Diameter Implants for Mandibular Denture Retention”, CDA Journal, Volume 36, Number 4, Apr. 2008 pages 283-286 |
March 2008
Lim, Byoung Seog; Sokoloff, Natalie; Elian, Nicolas; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Tarnow, Dennis
“Conversion of Removable Partial Denture to Fixed Provisional Restoration Unsing Narrow Diameter Implants – Report of 10 Caes”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 23rd Annual Meeting Boston, MA 2008.
March 2008
Okubo, Saori; Garay, Beatriz; Picone, Andrew; Smith, Richard; Bral, Michael; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Tarnow, Dennis
“Various Clinical Techniques for Fixed Provisionalization During Implant Treatment: A Literature Review”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 23rd Annual Meeting Boston, MA 2008.
March 2008
Rastogi, Amita; Chen, Andre; Smith, Richard; Schoor, Robert; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Tarnow, Dennis
“The Use of Transitional Implant Support Fixed Partial Dentures for Improving the Outcomes of Ridge Augmentation and Implant Placement”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 23rd Annual Meeting Boston, MA 2008.
January 2008
Mouliere, V.; Limbour, P.; Ravalec, X.; Merlet, Y.; Gastard, Y.
“Intérêt des implants Atlas dans la stabilisation des prosthèses amovibles complètes mandibulaires”, Les Implants: Chirurgie et Prothèse, Volume 14, Number 1, Jan. 2008 pages 51-59
November 2007
Cho, Sang-Choon; Shetty Saphal; Froum Stuart; Elian Nicolas; Tarnow Dennis
“Fixed and Removable Provisional Options for Patients Undergoing Implant Treatment”, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, Volume 28, Number 11, Nov. 2007 pages 604-608
October 2007
Froum, Stuart; Cho, Sang-Choon; Young, Sung Cho; Elian, Nicolas; Tarnow, Dennis
“Narrow-Diameter Implants: A Restorative Option for Limited Interdental Space”, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Volume 27 Number 5, Oct. 2007 pages 449-455
August 2007
Goff, Stan
“Predictably Powerful”, Dental Product Report, Aug. 2007 pages 36-41
August 2007
Misch, Kelly
“Small-Diamater Implants For Optimal Stabilization of Implant-Supported Overdentures”, Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry, Volume XIX, Aug. 2007 pages 428-431
August 2007
All Systems
Rossein, Keith
“Narrow-Body Implants Preserve Patients’ Quality of Life”, Oral Health, Aug. 2007 pages 39-44, 47-50
July, August 2007
Ravasini, Tommaso
“The Use of Narrow-Bodied Implants in Limited Bone and Restricted Spaces”, Inside Dentistry, Volume 3 Number 7, Jul. Aug. 2007 pages 72-74
July 2007
Petrungaro, Paul
“Management of the Compromised Intertooth Space with Small-Diameter One-Piece Implants in the Esthetic Zone”, Functional Esthetics & Restorative Dentistry, Series 1 Number 2, 2007 pages 70-75
June 2007
Kim W.B.; Koa, Annabel; Villareal, Sherwin; Saito, Hanae; Cho, Sang-Choon; Froum, Stuart; Elian, Nicolas; Tarnow, Dennis
“Clinical Advantages of Fixed Provisionalization In Atrophic Ridge Utilizing Transitional Implants”, NY. Poster Presentation, The 9th International Symposium on Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry Jun. 2007
May 2007
Kim, W.B.; Shetty, S.; Stappert, C.; Cho, S.C.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Fixed Provisionalization in Atrophic Ridge Utilizing Transitional Implants: A Case Report.”, Department of Implant Dentistry Alumni Assoc. and the Office for International Program, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Nobel Biocare World Conference May 2007.
April 2007
Cho, S.C.; Froum, S.; Tai, C.H.; Cho, Y.S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Immediate Loading of Narrow Diameter Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles”‘ Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry, Vol. 19, No. 3, Apr. ’07 pgs. 167-174
March, April 2007
Rossein, K.
“Narrow-Body Implants Help Denture Wearers Maintain Their Lifestyles”, Implant News & Views Vol. 9 No. 2, Mar. Apr. 2007 pages 1, 5-9
Carpentieri, Joseph R.; Tarnow, Dennis
“The Mandibular Two-Implant Overdenture – First-Choice Standard of Care for the Edentulous Patient” New Jersey: Montage Media Corporation, 2007 pages 77-82, ISBN: 0-9673009-3-2
September, October 2006
Kosinski, T.; Kline, R.
“Case Presentation: Overdenture Alternative with Narrow Body Implants”, Implant News & Views Vol. 8 No. 5, Sep. Oct. 2006 pages 8-9
July, August 2006
Rossein, K.
“Alternative Treatment Plans: Implant-Supported Mandibular Dentures”, Inside Dentistry Jul Aug. 2006 pgs. 41-43
March 2006
Tai, C.H.; Lee, M.; Saito, H.; Classi, A.; Cho, S.C.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Immediate Loading of Small Diameter Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles”, Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, Academy of Osseointegration 21st Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Mar. 2006.
March 2006
Petrungaro, Paul
“Management of the Compromised Implant Site with Small-Diameter Implants”, Inside Dentistry Mar. 2006 pgs. 78-81
January, February 2006
Kleinman, M.; Mazor, Z.; Rossein, K.
“Emergency Intraoral Repairs with Narrow-bodied Implants”, Inside Dentistry Jan. Feb. 2006 pgs. 70-74
December 2005
Blackwell, D.A.; Zenitani A.; Cho, S.C.; Misch, C.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Utilizing Immediately Loaded Small Diameter Implants to Manage Anterior Maxillary Ridge Defect: A Case Report”, Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, The Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics 51st Scientific Meeting New York, NY 2005
December 2005
Tai, C.H.; Kim, T.S.; Cho, S.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Immediate Loading of Small Diameter Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles: A Case Report”, Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University, NY. Poster Presentation, The Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics 51st Scientific Meeting New York, NY 2005
September 2005
Rossein, Keith
“Retaining and Stabilizing Dentures with Narrow-Bodied Implants ” Dentistry Today Volume 24 No. 9 pages 100-107
May 2005
Petrungaro, Paul
“Unique Implant Technology for Immediate Provisional Restorations at Implant Placement”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice Vol. 9. No. 5 May, 2005 pgs. 68-70
March 2005
Park S.H.; Classi, A.; Cho, S-C; Froum, S Elian N.; Tarnow D.
“Long Term Survival of Small Diameter Implants”, Department of Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, NY. Poster Presentation, 20th Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting, Mar. 2005 Orlando Florida
February 2005
All Systems
Rossein, Keith
“Transitional Implants Are Coming Full Circle”, Dentist’s Money Digest Feb. 2005 pg. 22
January, February 2005
All Systems
Froum, S.; Simon, H.; Cho, S.; Elian, N.; Rohrer, M.; Tarnow, D.
“Histologic Evaluation of Bone-Implant Contact of Immediately Loaded Transitional Implants After 6 to 27 Months”, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Volume 20, Number 1 2005, pgs. 54-60
April 2004
Kanie, Takahito; Nagata, Mutsumi; Ban, Seji
“Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of 2 Prosthetic Mini-Implants”, Implant Dentistry Sep. 2004 Volume 13, Number 3, pgs. 251-254
February 2004
Landolt, M.; Galasso, D.; Froum, S.; Elian, N.; Tarnow, D.
“Evaluation of Success Rates of Screw Retained Transitional Implants in the Mandibular Arch”, Department of Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, NY. Poster AO San Francisco CA 2004
February 2004
Landolt, M.; Park, S.H.; Galasso, D.; Cho, S.C.; Elian, N.; Froum, S.; Tarnow, D.
“Survival Rate of Transitional Implants Supporting Screw Retained Restorations”, Department of Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, NY. 8th Int’l Symposium Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry Boston MA, 2004
February 2003
Kim, B.S.; Yoon, YE; Matsunaga, T.; Cho, S.C.; Elian, N.; Froum, S.; Tarnow, D.
“Clinical Application of Transitional Implants as Long Term Support for Implant Supported Overdentures”, Department of Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, NY. Poster ACP Meeting Dallas TX, 2003
April 2003
Proussaefs, Perklis
“Histologic evaluation of an Immediately Loaded Titanium Provisional Implant Retrieved after Functioning for 18 months: A Clinical Report”, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Apr. 2003 Volume 89, Issue 4, pgs. 331-334
November 2002
Limbour, P.; Delanque, O.; Thepin, J.C.
“Les Implants Modularies Provisoires MTI”, Implantologie Revue Trimestrielle d’implantologie Oral Number 47, Nov. 2002 pgs. 75-79
November, December 2002
Simon, H.; Caputo, A.
“Removal Torque of Immediately Loaded Transitional Endosseous Implants in Human Subjects”, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Vol. 17 Number 6, Nov. Dec. 2002 pgs. 839-845
November, December 2002
Shreve Spitler, N.
“Rescuing Bridges in Trouble”, Implant News & Views Vol. 4 Number 6, Nov. Dec. 2002 pgs. 1, 4
February 2002
Simon, Harel
“Use of Transitional Implants to Support a Surgical Guide: Enhancing the Accuracy of Implant Placement”, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Vol. 87. Feb. 2002 pgs. 229-232
February 2002
Bucking, Wolfram
“Erste Hilfre bein Totalprothesen”, Quintessenz Die Dental Trickkiste Vol. 53. No. 4 00-00 2002 pgs. 1-8
January, February 2002
Mazor, Ziv; Brosh, Ilan
“Use of Transitional Implants for Fixed Interim Prosthesis”, The Canadian Journal of Dental Technology Vol. 5. No. 8 Aug. 2001 pgs. 54-55
November 2001
Petrungaro, Paul
“Immediate Extraction/Implant Placement: Healing Phase Management with Platelet Rich Plasma and Transitional Implants”, International Magazine of Oral Implantology Vol. 2. No. 4 Nov. 2001 pgs. 23-35
August 2001
Poitras, Yvan; Benko, Yuray
“Transitional Implants” A Solution for Patient Satisfaction”, Oral Health, Vol. 91, No. 8 Aug. 2001 pgs. 25-44
August 2001
Petrungaro, Paul
“Esthetic Full-Arch Transitional Appliances, After Tooth Removal, Using the Master Diagnostic Model”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice Vol. 5. No. 8 Aug. 2001 pgs. 54-55
June 2001
Maksoud, Mohammed A.
“Transitional Implants as Temporary Fixed Restorations in a Sinus Graft”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice Vol. 5. No. 6 Jun. 2001 pgs. 74-76
Spring 2001
Cohen, M.; Flake, R.
“Special Report 4”, The Seattle Study Club Journal Vol. 5. No. 2 Spring 2001 pgs. 32-37
March 2001
Minsk, L.
“Interim Implants for Immediate Loading of Temporary Restorations”, The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Vol. 22. No. 3 Mar. 2001 pgs. 186-196
March 2001
Rossein, K.; Boris III, F.
“Stabilizing a Full Denture with a Transitional Implant-Supported Splint”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice Vol. 5. No. 3 Mar. 2001 pgs. 68-76
March 2001
Brown, M.; Tarnow, D.
“Fixed Provisionalization With Transitional Implants for Partially Edentulous Patients: A Case Study”, Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry, Vol. 13, No. 2, Mar. ’01 pgs. 123-127
February 2001
Rossein, K.
“Transitional Implants Help Sell Implant Cases”, Dental Town, Vol. 2 Issue 2 Feb. 2001 pgs. 39-40
January 2001
Rohrer, M.
Hard Tissue Research Laboratory, University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
January, February 2001
Petrungaro, P.
“Transitional Implants”, Academy of General Dentistry, Vol. 3 No.1 Jan. Feb. 2001 pgs.
January, February 2001
Keller, W.
“Temporarily Replacing Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors in Teenagers Using Transitional Implants”, Implant News & Views, Vol. 3 No.1 Jan. Feb. ’01 pgs. 1,4,5,10
November 2000
Gray, J.; Smith, R.
“Transitional Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, Vol. XXXIV No. 11 Nov. 2000 pgs. 659-666
November 2000
Petrungaro, P.
“Reconstruction of Severely Resorbed Atrophic Maxillae and Management with Transitional Implants”, Implant Dentistry, Vol. 9 No. 3, Nov. 2000 pgs. 271-277
Fall 2000
Rossein, K.
“Transitional Implants, The Key To Success”, ADIA & PM Newsletter, Fall 2000 pgs. 4-5
August 2000
Poitras, Y.
“Symphysis Graft and Implants: The Gold Standard for the Edentulous Premaxilla “, Oral Health, Aug. 2000 pgs. 35-44
August 2000
Simon, H.
“Use of Transitional Implants for Prosthodontic, Surgical and Orthodontic Applications: 2 yr data”, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol 11, No 4 Aug. 2000 pgs. 49-52
January 2000
Petrungaro, P.; Maragos, C.; Matheson, O.
“Using the Master Diagnostic Model to Enhance Restorative Success in Implant Treatment”, The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Vol. 21. No. 1 Jan. 2000 pgs. 33-46
Lorenzoni, M.; Wegscheider, W.A.; Penkner, K.; Pertl, C.; Arnetzl, G.; Polansky, R.; Bratschko, R.O.
“The Implant Supported Temporary Restoration of the Edentulous Maxilla”, Wissenschaft ZWR, 108. Jahrg. 1999 (4): 168-174
October 1999
Bohsali, K.; Simon, H.; Kan, J.; Redd, M.
“Modular Transitional Implants to Support the Interim Maxillary Overdenture”, The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Vol. 20. No. 10 Oct. 1999 pgs. 975-984
September 1999
Petrungaro, P.; Smilanich, M.
“Use Of Modular Transitional Implants in the Partially Edentulous Patient”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice Vol. 3. No. 8 Sep. 1999 pgs. 50-62
August 1999
Zubery, Y.; Bichacho, N.; Moses, O.; Tal, H.
“Immediate Loading Of Modular Transitional Implants: A Histologic and Histomorphometric Study In Dogs”, International Journal of Periodontoics & Restorative Dentistry Vol. 19. No. 4 Aug. 1999 pgs. 341-352
June 1999
El Attar, Mohamed Sherine; El Shazly, Dina; Osman, Saiida; El Domiati, Shahira; Salloum, Mahmoud Gamal
“Study of the Effect of Using Mini-Transitional Implants as Temporary Abutments in Implant Overdenture Cases “, Implant Dentistry, Vol. 8. Number 2 Jun. ’99 pgs. 152-156
March 1999
Trushkowsky, Richard D.
“Transitional Implants and Modular Prosthetic Components, Part I”, Dentistry Today, Vol. 18, No. 3, Mar. ’99 pgs. 80-83
March 1999
Petrungaro, Paul
“Altering the Concepts of Implantology for the 21st Century”, Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice, Vol. 3, No. 3, Mar, ’99 pgs. 30-38
February 1999
Bichacho, N.; Landsberg, C.; Rohrer, M.; Davidovich, Y.
“Immediate Fixed Transitional Restoration in Implant Therapy”, Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry, Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan. Feb. ’99 pgs. 45-51
January 1999
Nagata, M.; Nagaoka, S.; Mukunoki, O.
“The Efficacy of Modular Transitional Implants Placed Simultaneously With Implant Fixtures”, The Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, Vol. 20, No. 1 Jan. 1999, pgs. 39-46
Salloum, Mahmoud Gamal Mahmoud
“A Study of the Effect of Using Minitransitional Implants As Temporary Abutments in Mandibular Implant Overdenture Cases on the Supporting Structures”, Thesis Master Degree of Prosthodontics Faculty of Dentistry Alexandria University, Alexandria, Turkey 1998
November 1998
Chang, Ching-Ju Jenny
“A Mini-Transitional Implant Supported Precision-Milled Bar Overdenture”, Harvard School of Dental Medicine Boston MA. Jan. 1999
November 1998
Chiche, Frederic A.
“La Mise en Charge Immediate des Prostheses Transitoires en Implantologie Orale a L’Aide du Systeme MTI”, Journal de Parodontologie & d’Implantologie Orale, Vol. 18, No. 199 pgs. 71-79
September, October 1998
Rossein, Keith
“MTI-MP: A Necessary Step in the Implant Process”, Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative Practice, Sep. Oct. 99 pgs. 94-97
August 1998
Froum, Stuart; Emtiaz, Shahram; Bloom, Mitchell J.; Scolnick, Jeffery; Tarnow, Dennis P.
“The Use of Transitional Implants For Immediate Fixed Temporary Prostheses in Cases of Implant Restorations” Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry, Vol 10 No. 6 pgs. 737-746
November, December 1997
Petrungaro, Paul
“Fixed Temporization and Bone-Augmented Ridge Stabilization with Transitional Implants” Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry, Volume 9, No. 9 pgs. 1071-1078
September 1997
Rapani, C.; Palombo, E.; Caputi S.
“Sistema MTI Impianti Transizionali Casi Clinici” Dental Cadmos Journali 997 pgs. 44-55
Summer 1997
Klein, Michael
“Innovative Systems in Implant Dentistry” Alpha Omegan Vol. 90, No. 2 pgs. 33-37
May 1997
Quaranta, M.
University of Chieti, Italy Istituto di Discipline Odontostomatologiche
Tal, Haim
“Healing Around Transitional Implants: Histological Study in Dogs” Poster presentation AAP San Diego Tel Aviv University, Israel
Saadoun A.P. et al
“Proper Restoration-generated Site Development Leads to Exemplary Implantation” American Health Consultants; Dental Implantology Update, 1997
December 1996
Blatz, M.B. et al.
“Instruments, Materials and Equipment”, Implantologie ’96 Albert-Ludwigs Universitat, Freiburg, Germany Department of Prosthodontics: Chairman Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub
October 1996
Rossein, Keith
“Implants: Increasing the Odds of Clinical Success” Simple Dental Concept’s Implant Dentistry Newsletter – Editor Bruce Baird
July 1996
Gottehrer, N.; Singer, G.
“Preliminary Stabilization of Full Denture Implant Patients” Dentistry Today Volume 15 No. 7
Trushkowsky, Richard
“Modular-Transitional Implants & Modular Prosthetic System” Esthetic Dentistry Update, Volume 7, Number 2, Apr. 1996 pgs. 52-54
March 1996
Ravasini, G.; Ugolini, G.; Dalla Turca, S. Ravasomo, F.
“Protocollo operativo per l’utilizzo di impianti provvisori immediati (Mini Transitional Implants – MTI)” Daialog: Rivista Pratica Per IL Team Odontoiatrico Edizioni Martina Bologna, Anno 1′ Numero 1
January 1996
Gottehrer, N.; Singer, G.
“Full Team Approach for Provisional Stabilization of the Edentulous Implant Patients” Dentistry Today Volume 15 No. 1
Judy, Kenneth W.M.; Sarnachiaro, Oscar; Bonal, Oscar; Gotta, Sergio; Sarnachiaro, Evangelina
“Follow Up Study In Non Human Primates”, Primate Research Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina Oral Implantology
Weissman, B.; Baird, B.
“Transitional Implant Support, When you need them Most” Implant Dentistry Simplified, Predictable & Profitable Simple Dental Concepts, Volume 1 Issue No. 5, pgs. 2 & 10
May 1995
LaBanca, M.; Mantovani, S.; Longo M.
“Mini Pins: Protesizzazione Provvisoria Su Impianti)” Doctor OS Maggio Anno VI numero 5 Maggio 1995 Spedizione in abb. Post.50% – Mi CMP 2 Roserio 43-45
Sarnachiaro, Oscar; Bonal, Oscar; Misch, Carl E.; Gotta, Sergio; Sarnachiaro, Evangelina
“Transitional Implants Histologic Study in Non Human Primates”, Primate Research Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina Oral Implantology Center # 82-100